Prosthetic arm launched with direct to consumer approach
Prosthetic arm launched with direct to consumer approach

Unlimited Tomorrow, a medical device company manufacturing prosthetic limbs, has launched TrueLimb, a prosthetic arm that is available through a completely remote process which amputees can initiate online.


TrueLimb costs 80% less than traditional prosthetics. It is a functional and durable robotic upper limb prosthesis with multi-grip capability and individual finger control allowing for natural movement and positioning. TrueLimb is uniquely designed for each user and personalised to their skin tone, weight, shape, and size. This level of customisation is made possible using Unlimited Tomorrow’s proprietary software, intelligent design, and advanced manufacturing techniques.

Using 3D printing technology, Unlimited Tomorrow delivers a remote, all-in-one solution. This gives individuals with a limb difference the ability to obtain their socket and limb from one manufacturer without having to leave home.

Easton LaChappelle, founder and CEO of Unlimited Tomorrow, said: “We’ve been working on this product and process for over six years, and I’m so happy to release this to the world to provide a tailored, affordable, and accessible solution.” 

TrueLimb is engineered using durable materials and has built-in cloud connectivity to allow for delivery of the latest software updates. Features include multi-day battery life, adaptive grip, haptic feedback, individual finger control, and multi-grip functionality. TrueLimb’s muscle sensor technology allows users to train their device and execute grips using their own muscle actions. 

Globally, at least 30 million people need a prosthetic device, but an advanced prosthesis can cost more than $80,000. Many are forced to use basic prosthetics, such as hooks, which can have limited functionality and lack the appearance of a natural limb. Children require four to five artificial limbs as they grow into adolescence and adulthood, which can drive up costs for families.

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