Convesaid, a Hemostat Powder Spray That Can’t Cause Embolisms
Convesaid, a Hemostat Powder Spray That Can’t Cause Embolisms

Team Consulting, a firm based out of an old barn in Cambridge, UK that develops medical devices, one being the EpiPen, has now come up with a hemostat powder sprayer that cannot cause embolisms. When spraying a powder onto a leaking vein, the air that pushes the powder can enter the exposed blood flow and cause an air embolism. This typically happens when the sprayer gets too close to the vein, but to avoid the chances altogether, the new Convesaid sprayer doesn’t let any air out of the nozzle to cause embolisms in the first place.

This is accomplished thanks to a bit of clever engineering that allows the device to separate the air from the powder particles, returning all the air back through the nozzle while letting the hemostat powder fly out the front. The air moving through the device won’t even escape out of the nozzle if the tip is pressed against tissue, virtually guaranteeing that an embolism won’t occur.
