Had a Disastrous Job Interview? Here’s How to Save it!


As with many things in life, a job interview is only a ‘snapshot’ of a particular moment in time. Being specialist recruiters there have been numerous times where an outstanding candidate has gotten back to us after an interview only to share their disappointment at, quite frankly, completely messing it up.

There are many reasons why your skills and personality just don’t come across well enough during an interview – from candidates letting their nerves get the better of them to making a massive blunder (ever called the main investor by the wrong name anyone?)…

Here at Guided Solutions we have heard many of them over the years. A candidate being made redundant 5 minutes before the interview, taking it from an interesting option to a ‘help-I-need-this-job-to-eat’ type of situation, or a candidate getting in a car crash right before the interview, causing them to completely (and understandably) lose their mojo are just two examples.

It’s always heart-breaking when this happens, particularly as often times the interviewee would have probably been a fantastic match for the role!

That’s why we would like to share with you some ways to try and get things back on track!

If it truly went wrong…

…chances are you are probably well aware of this and don’t need to wait for the Hiring Manager’s feedback before trying to mend it. In this case, a good way to get things back on track is sending a follow-up note.

Start by thanking the Hiring Manager for their time, as being polite always helps put things on a positive level. Then follow with an outline of what skills or experience you did not sufficiently outline during the interview or use that as an opportunity to humorously counteract any major faux pas you have made.

Finish off by suggesting a few dates on which you could come by to elaborate further in person.

…and even if the Hiring Manager or Recruiter have gotten back to you with negative feedback, you might not want to give up just yet…

Especially if you were the only candidate to be considered, leaving them with no alternatives, there might still be a way to salvage the situation. And hey, even if there were multiple contenders, who is to say they did not mess up as well?!

Give the Hiring Manager a call thanking them for their consideration and express your disappointment at your performance. Ask for further feedback and counteract any concerns. Reiterate succinctly how your particular skills set and experience make you the best candidate for the job.

The motivation this demonstrates and the honest explanation for your bad performance might entice them to reconsider.

Another great trick is to provide the Hiring Manager with a few (written) references…

This can be particularly helpful if there are several people within the company who need that extra convincing of your suitability and has worked out particularly well for a few of my candidates.

Ask your former managers, clients or even co-workers to give you a reference. Make sure the focus is on the areas the Hiring Manager has doubts about in particular. If possible, try and get references from individuals who are relevant to the job you are applying for.

As always, if you are working with a medical device recruiter make sure they are aware of your concerns and ask them for help in resolving the situation!

A good recruiter will know both sides of the story and can advise you accordingly!

None of these methods are fool proof of course, however:

If you don’t buy a ticket, you don’t win the raffle!

If you are interested in learning how to get invited to interview in the first place, take a minute to read our 6 Tips to Get You invited to Interview!


Guided Solutions is a European market leader in Medical Device Recruitment.

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