Report: Medical Device Companies and Innovation 2018


The global Medical Device industry has long been characterised by lean, fast-moving innovation and intense competition in pursuit of improving the human condition through enhanced healthcare provision.

Guided Solutions’ Medical Device 2018 industry report examines both the existing state of the market and the forces precipitating change and transition in reimbursement, regulatory accreditation and technology.

The focus of research and statistical analysis for this report draws on a number of cited sources with particular focus on the North American and European markets.

37.2% of applications filed with the European Patent Office in 2017 originated from US-based organisations, closely reflecting wider market trends and realities of continued US dominance as the global import and
export leader.

Despite the fact that 40% of the global Medical Device industry is controlled by a big top 10 companies, fierce product innovation acceleration rates dictate that the market is still 95% SMEs, out of which more than 80% are ‘small’ companies with fewer than 50 employees.

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