Red Flags in Your CV


As specialist recruitment consultants, one of our key objectives is to be able to critically evaluate candidate CVs and spot red flags, so that we minimise the risk of any disastrous job interviews (or worse – hires) taking place.

We achieve this through a rigorous screening process whereby we spot inconsistencies and irregularities that alert us of potentially unsuitable candidates and help us reduce the overall time and stress for everyone involved at any stage of the hiring process.

Today we bring these so-called red flags to your attention as well so you can develop a better awareness of what a good CV looks like, and start off your journey with us on the right foot.

1. Messy formatting

In the days of readily available, easy to modify templates, a badly formatted CV speaks volumes. It makes it literally impossible for us or for hiring managers to quickly sift through and identify key pieces of information about you. In addition, it implies that you don’t take enough time or effort to present yourself and what you do properly. This is a red flag because every employer, no matter whether big or small, will want to see you take ownership and responsibility over your professional output.

2. No clear focus

If you want to cut through the noise when applying for jobs, don’t use one and the same general version of your CV. Behind every opportunity there is a consultant or a hiring manager looking for very specific achievements, skills and qualifications they consider relevant for that particular role. This means that in order to stand out, it is crucial to tailor your CV towards the job you are applying for. If you believe your experience matches the requirements of that desired role, then let this be the core focus of your CV!

3. No achievements

Every job has its duties and responsibilities. What we truly want to understand when looking at your CV is what you have achieved in your professional journey so far. Flesh out your experience with results, facts and figures such as: meeting or exceeding targets, observing deadlines, saving costs, boosting team performance, delivering a project that benefited the business, etc. etc. The more achievements-centered your CV is, the more impressed we are and therefore likely to pass you on to a hiring manager.

4. Mysterious employment gaps

Many people have gaps in their professional experience and gaps as such are not necessarily an issue, especially if there is a reasonable explanation behind such as spending time with family, travelling, studying, etc.

Unexplained breaks, on the other hand, can and will most likely be seen as a red flag by a potential employer or a recruitment consultant, especially if your career path is interspersed with plenty of them. Questions such as “Is this person hiding something” or “Have they been doing nothing throughout all this time” are likely to arise alongside all sorts of suspicions and worries that are not in your favour at all. That is why, especially when communicating with your recruitment consultant, you should feel free to clarify the circumstances surrounding any gaps in your employment. Or even better, detailed it out on your CV to preempt any such questions coming!

5. Excessive length

We’ve said it before and we will say it again – no one likes a lengthy CV. It shows little respect for the limited time recruiters and hiring managers have to look at it in the first place.

Furthermore, it could be a sign of poor communication skills and poor understanding of your target audience. If you are not able to describe your own profile concisely, would you able to produce succinct reports and other pieces of business communication where brevity is vital?

Even in the world of medical devices where we often come across sophisticated profiles with high levels of expertise and extensive experience, a well-formulated CV rarely exceeds 2 pages.


Since its inception in 2000 Guided Solutions has placed more than 8500 candidates in over 37 countries.

We identify and recruit medical device specialists at all seniority levels, enabling our clients to connect with associate through to board-level talent.

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