Ohio State Studying Medical Aspects of Video Games in New Esports Program
Ohio State Studying Medical Aspects of Video Games in New Esports Program

At Ohio State University there’s a new program to study various aspects of esports (competitive playing of video games), including medically related issues such as fatigue, long-term problems for players, and how the brain and muscles work together to achieve incredible feats of coordination.

The Sports Medicine Movement Analysis and Performance Program at Ohio State Wexner Medical Center is taking part in the research, already using electroencephalography (EEG) helmets to study the brain activity of highly able players. They are able to monitor that activity in real-time, while watching what’s going on in the game and are trying to correlate between the activities in the two very different worlds.

A lot of this research is going to be done in a special arena soon to be built on the Ohio State campus, which will include a player’s dream collection of video game equipment, along with a bunch of medical monitoring equipment.
